Muling Over My Love of Mulberries


More: Recipes

You gotta love a fruit there’s a song about skipping around its bush. Mulberries are high in fiber, resveratrol, vitamin K, vitamin C, and iron.
In Maui, they are poppin’. I buy a bunch & freeze any extra. Here’s a recipe for my super secret sauce made from this healthful fruit.

2 lb. Mulberries
4 Tbl. Honey or sweetener of choice
1/4 cup Truffle Oil (white or black)
2 cups Red Wine (Ulupalakua Red)
Sea salt to taste

Gently warm berries to release juice, while smashing berries with back of spatula or large spoon. Transfer to VitaMix & create a smooth slurry. Don’t worry about the little stems. They are edible. Return to sauce pan over medium heat & add the red wine & honey. Bring to simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat & strain mulberry reduction. I use a chinoise and muddler for silky results. The fruit pulp left over on the chinoise can be dehydrated into fruit leather. Add sea salt to taste. Add truffle oil & shake. Sometimes I add more truffle oil.

This sauce is great on sashimi. Drizzle on cheese, polenta, breadfruit, Molokai purple sweet potatoes…anything goes. Enjoy!

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